My name is Amanda and I am the founder of Lesotho Rose. Devon is home, but I love to travel! I have ventured far and wide around the world, experiencing different cultures, exploring stunning landscapes, and always bringing back beautiful artisanal and handmade trinkets and treasures. 

It was on a recent trip to South Africa in 2022 that I discovered the multitude of benefits of Lesotho’s nutrient-rich Rosehip Seed Oil for my skin. From hydrating and moisturising to rejuvenating and protecting it was instantly a game changer in my skincare routine; straightforward and easy to use and perfect for my active outdoor lifestyle!

I have always dreamed of having my own company and lifestyle brand with the idea to bring a little piece of luxury to everyone’s world. Rosehip Seed Oil with its many skincare uses seemed the perfect opportunity! Creating a small business amidst a cost of living crisis may not be the most opportune moment to start but when is? I have always taken an idea when it arises and run with it. So...Lesotho Rose was born.

  • Natural Simple Ingredients

    Indulge in the beauty of nature with our skincare products that harness the full potential of natural and unrefined ingredients. Witness the wonders as your skin receives a boost of nourishment, free from any parabens or synthetic materials.

  • Ethical, Sustainable and Eco-Friendly

    Harvested sustainably between May and August, our Rosehip oil is primarily sourced by the women residing in the neighbouring villages. Additionally, our range of accessories are a prime example of up-cycling, breathing new life into products that would otherwise go to waste.

  • Eco-friendly packaging

    Our product packaging is predominantly recyclable after use. We also make an effort to repurpose cardboard boxes for shipping purposes.

  • Generic Handmade Soap

    Handmade in Devon

    Lesotho Rose's Rosehip Seed Oil is hand-bottled with love right at home in Devon. Keep your eyes peeled for our fabulously homemade soap and an array of other delightful rosehip oil infused goodies and accessories!

  • Relax, Nourish and Rejuvenate

    Transform your bath time into a lavish and inspiring ritual with Lesotho Rose's sumptuous skincare products and exquisite home accessories.

    Discover our products